Title: “Ron DeSantis Super PAC Faces Leadership Shake-Up Amidst Presidential Campaign”
Subtitle: Frustrations and Tensions within Never Back Down Impact DeSantis’ Bid for President
In a surprising turn of events, the main super PAC supporting Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign, Never Back Down, has experienced significant leadership changes, with its third CEO being appointed in less than two weeks. Scott Wagner, a trusted and long-time DeSantis loyalist, has taken over as the interim chairman and CEO of the super PAC.
The abrupt departure of the previous interim CEO, Kristin Davison, has raised questions about the stability and direction of Never Back Down. Insiders reveal that Wagner’s appointment is seen as a temporary measure to prevent any disruption in the organization.
Never Back Down, primarily funded through transfers from DeSantis’ Florida political account and contributions from top donors, has played a crucial role in supporting DeSantis’ bid for the presidency. However, recent challenges in gaining traction within the Republican primary have led to a shakeup within the super PAC.
DeSantis, currently running second to former President Donald Trump in national polls, is facing tough competition from other candidates like Nikki Haley in Iowa. This heightened competition has likely fueled frustrations within DeSantis’ campaign, prompting him to take decisive action.
Amidst these leadership changes, a physical altercation between Scott Wagner and Jeff Roe, the top consultant for Never Back Down, on November 21, has further highlighted tensions within the super PAC. Although details surrounding the incident remain scarce, it is clear that internal strife is taking a toll on the campaign.
DeSantis’ dissatisfaction with Never Back Down’s performance has led to the establishment of a second super PAC, Fight Right, which will exclusively handle outside advertising for his campaign. The creation of this new entity signifies DeSantis’ desire for a fresh start over mounting concerns about the effectiveness of Never Back Down.
Kristin Davison’s departure is viewed as a significant blow to Jeff Roe’s influence, as she was a top deputy at his firm before joining Never Back Down. With her exit, questions arise regarding the future direction of the super PAC and the extent to which Roe will be able to exert his influence moving forward.
Interestingly, this shakeup coincides with DeSantis’ completion of a 99-county tour in Iowa, which was financed by Never Back Down. The timing suggests that DeSantis aims to reposition and reinvigorate his campaign following this critical milestone in the Iowa caucuses.
As the race for the Republican nomination intensifies and DeSantis seeks to gain momentum, these recent developments within Never Back Down underscore the challenges faced by the campaign. The establishment of Fight Right and the installation of a new interim CEO highlight DeSantis’ determination to secure a stronger position in the race for the White House. Stay tuned to Celebrity Beauty Buzz for the latest updates on Ron DeSantis and his presidential campaign.
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